• Mission Statement

    The NHUF Library is an inviting place where students, staff, and parents feel welcome. The environment is child-centered, friendly, and all patrons are treated with courtesy and respect. The ultimate goal is to help students become independent users of information, with the encouragement to become lifelong learners.

    Students are taught the library skills outlined in the Boyertown Area School District curriculum. A variety of lessons are used to address different learning styles. The librarian collaborates with classroom teachers on research projects. The social studies and library curriculums are integrated in grades one through five.

    The library curriculum is based on Standards for the 21stCentury Learner, developed by AASL (American Association of School Librarians, 2007). Learners use skills, resources, and tools to:


    · Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge

    · Draw conclusions, make informed decisions

    · Apply knowledge to new situations

    · Create new knowledge

    Highlights for Each Grade Level


    Students have class for 30 minutes every other cycle. The year begins with library orientation. Students sit in the story pit and listen to a read aloud. We talk about book care, authors, illustrators, spine labels, and parts of the book. Students use shelf markers, and learn the difference between fiction and nonfiction. We focus on the book characters in the library – Mr. Wiggle, the Shelf Elf, etc. We compare shelving books to delivering mail – each book has an address on the shelf. Students may check out two books each week.

    First Grade

    We review kindergarten skills, with more emphasis on the author and illustrator – we discuss in more detail. Stories get more in depth with characters, setting, and plot. Students learn nonfiction conventions: table of contents, glossary, and index. They may check out four books each week from grade 1 through grade 5.  A research project on countries takes place in the last marking period.

    Second Grade

    We extend knowledge from first grade. We focus on four types of books in the Everybody section: Everybody picture books, Everybody Chapter books, Everybody nonfiction books, and Everybody biographies. The online catalog is introduced.   Research projects on communities, great Americans, and transportation are planned for the first, second, and fourth marking periods.

    Third Grade

    The third graders learn the “Five Finger Test”, and begin to use the “Older Kids” or “Big Kids” side of the library. They create library maps, learn call numbers for the eight sections, and start using the computers independently. Third graders use dictionaries, encyclopedias, and atlases. They have an introduction to the Dewey Decimal System. Research on each of the seven continents is ongoing throughout the year.

    Each third grader will have Mrs. Corcoran for an "extra" special.  This 40-minute time slot is separate from regular Library class. Students will be learning computer coding, and participating in science, technology, engineering, and math activities.

    Fourth Grade

    The fourth graders are excited to take turns checking out magazines.We reinforce the sections of the library with maps, and learn more elaborate computer searching. Fourth graders increase their use of the Dewey Decimal System. They begin using the Big 6 process for research, and learn to fill out Works Cited forms. Students create a slideshow about a state during the second half of the year.

    Fifth Grade

    Fifth grade Library instruction focuses on research- using books, magazines, print encyclopedias, World Book Online, web sites, and POWER Library. Students use Works Cited forms to create a List of Works Cited. Many students participate in the Science Fair.  Library research projects include the topics of Native Americans, colonies, and Revolutionary War biographies.


    All Grades

    Book Fair in April - coordinates with the Art Show

    PA Young Reader’s Choice Award voting in March

    Author Day – authors who have visited our school include Bruce Hale, Elvira Woodruff, Dan Gutman, David A. Adler, Margie Palatini, Nancy Krulik, Tedd Arnold, James Bruchac, Jerry Pallotta, David Biedrzycki, and Bonnie Tribbett-Rosario. We have also had a Skype session with Gordon Korman.