• NHUF Library Search is available through our school web page, under the link for library (click the link for Library Search). You can also access the site at http://destiny.boyertownasd.org/.


    Worldbook Online Reference Center

    At school, the link to World Book is located on the Home tab of Destiny Library Search.

    At home, log on to: http://worldbookonline.com/student/home.

    See Mrs. Corcoran for the user ID and password. You may also email Mrs. Corcoran: bcorcoran@boyertownasd.org.


    POWER Kids (PA Online World of Electronic Resources)

    At school, the link to POWER Kids is located on the Home tab of Destiny Library Search.

    At home, log on to: POWER Kids.

    You will be prompted for a public library card.

    (No username or password is required at school.)


    Here is the link to Boyertown Community Library:
