LibraryColebrookdale Elementary School Library
LibrarianPhilosophy / Goals:
to promote students' interest and abilities in reading, listening and viewing
to foster the full range of information concepts and abilities students must master to profit from the global resources that are now at their fingertips
to develop the full range of abilities that students need to interact effectively with information and to construct meaningful knowledge from that information
( from Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning which was prepared by the American Association of School Librarians. ALA: Chicago, 1998.)
Collection :
Our library currently holds over 20,000 volumes. We have extensive reference resources including several recent sets of Encyclopedias, new Almanacs, Atlases and much more. Our abundance of wonderful fiction materials is divided by reading level into Easy and Fiction sections. Students also enjoy a plentiful and updated Biography section and a huge collection of materials to fit their Non-fiction needs.
Useful Links:
Research resources: