Here are the topics we cover in math, science, and social studies in 4th grade.
- demonstrate place value understanding up to millions
- multi-digit arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
- use rounding and estimation strategies
- solve multi-step word problems
- generate and analyze patterns
- demonstrate understanding of fractions, mixed numbers, and decimal notation
- perform operations with fractions
- solve problems involving units of measurement and conversions
- interpret and organized date on charts, graphs, and line plots
- measure and work with angles
- use lines, angles, and symmetry to classify two-dimensional figures
We explore these topics with many opportunities for hands-on learning and use of inquiry based processes.
- Water Cycle, Watersheds, and Wetlands
- Rocks and Minerals
- Motion and Design
Social Studies:
We learn about Pennsylvania and the regions of the United States. We focus on the landforms, climate, resources, and products of each region.