A bibliography is a list of books, websites and other resources that you use to find information to write a report. It is also called a Works Cited list because you have used the works (the resources) to find information for your assignment. It is necessary to include a works cited list with your report to avoid
A bibliography/cited list are in alphabetical order by the first word of each entry.
An entry is the publication information about each source of information used (book, newspaper, website, online resource, etc.).
The information about each resource has to be recorded in a specific order and punctuation has to be the same for each one.
The most common form for a bibliography is MLA (Modern Language Association)
These are forms available in the West library, but if you need to print your own, you can find them here:
These online resources allow you to fill in the information and they will automatically print your list.
Do not use these online forms unless your teacher approves of them.