So you have to do a research project?
Start here:
Ideas for a finding more information on the web:
Identify key concepts in the question- Hyponym – a word that describes things more specifically (Niagara Falls is a hyponym for waterfall); narrows a search
- Hypernym – refers to broad categories or general concepts (car/airplane are hypernyms for Ford/Boeing 747)
- Are there words with multiple meanings?
- Stop words: more words do not get better results – these words - a, an, and, the, at, have, not, of, are, as – clutter a question
- Word order: put most important words first
- Spelling counts; you must spell your search terms correctly.
- Be specific: use specific search terms
Research means:
Finding information based on your questions or assignment
- Read the information. Decide if it is correct and if it answers your questions.
- Take notes in your own words to answer your questions.
- Use the information from your notes to complete your assignment.
Intellectual Property - sentences and ideas written by an individual
Plagiarism - Using someone else's ideas as your own -- stealing intellectual property This is illegal. It could result in the lowering of your grade or possibly failure.
Student Responsibility- Follow the checksheet dates provided by the teacher
- Use the resources provided on the library page or on the teacher assignment
- Take notes in your own words
- Keep a list of the sources you use Hand in YOUR OWN work.
- Your teacher should give you explicit directions for the assignment and a rubric. Make sure you understand the assignment and follow the rubric.
If you need help finding good information, ask your librarian.
Website for evaluating online information: