• Boyertown East Library 

    Encouraging amazing students to become strong learners, smart researchers, and fierce dreamers.

    Mrs. Mento - Librarian 

     Mrs. Sugita- Library Clerk  

    Use the Destiny Book Search by clicking on the bear or the Library Guidebook to find books.
    Destiny bear
     suggest a book
    Is there a book that you are looking for that we don't have? Suggest it!  
     Audiobooks and eBooks available! 

    Students have access to 1,291 audiobooks and 2,397 eBooks through their  MackinVIA accounts. Watch video instructions here. This is the video shows how to take notes while reading an eBook.  You can upload these quotes and notes to Google Doc. 


    Library Guidebook

    The library guidebook provides information about the library including information about staff, items that can be checked out of the library, and programs that the library has. You can also use the Library Guidebook to find books that you will love.
    library guidebook


    Library on Instagram

    The Boyertown East Library is on Instagram! Follow the library on Instagram @BoyertownEastLibrary to see new books, cool programs, featured readers, and more.


    Library on Google Classroom

    The library has Google Classrooms for each grade. Stop by the library or ask your English teacher for the class code. 


    Check out the East Library on social media 

Here are the books that I have recently read. Click on the cover of the book to read my review of the book.

Kim Mento's bookshelf: read

Miles Morales
El Deafo
Jane, Unlimited
Truly Devious
Carry On
Black Duck
Catherine, Called Birdy
The Firefly Code
Out of the Dust
The Forgetting
Flight #116 Is Down!
Lily and Dunkin
Serafina and the Black Cloak
That Was Then, This Is Now
The Outsiders
Since You Asked
As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride

Kim Mento's favorite books ยป