Graduation Requirements

  • A minimum of 24 credits accumulated in grades 9 through 12 is required for graduation from BASH.  Students are also required to complete a Career Research Portfolio or BCTC senior project.  Graduation from BASH involves the fulfillment of the following items:

    The minimum number of courses/credits needed for graduation:

    English The equivalent of four year-long courses in grades 9-12  
    Social Studies The equivalent of four year-long courses in grades 9-12  
    Science* Three year-long courses in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12  
    Mathematics Four year-long courses in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12  
    Health Two planned courses, one each in grades 9 and 10
    Physical Education** Four planned courses, one each in grades 9-12  
    **World Language One planned course in grades 9-12 Class of 2021 & beyond   
    Electives (See Course Description Section)  
       Total credits must equal or exceed 24  
    •  *Students who plan on attending a four-year college/university are encouraged to take four courses.
    • **NJROTC courses satisfy physical education requirement for 12th grade.

    Total credits for graduation must equal or exceed 24.0

    The Career Research Portfolio – Senior Project Presentation
    The Boyertown Area School District has scheduled the Career Research Portfolio - Senior Project Presentation as a condition of graduation.

    Students who have not fully met all graduation requirements by the end of the senior year WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY EXERCISES with his/her class. Students who have not fully met all graduation requirements by the end of the senior year (and hence are denied participation in commencement ceremony exercises) shall have the opportunity to be awarded a diploma at the August BASD Board of School Directors meeting upon completion of the requirements in the summer school immediately following, providing all such requirements can be met during the summer session. If the requirements are not met by the end of summer school immediately following, the student can become eligible for a BASH diploma only through a regular school program in subsequent years. If you do not pass all of the required courses in a given year, it is strongly recommended that as many classes as possible be made up in summer school that year. All student obligations must be cleared to participate in the commencement ceremony