• Welcome to Our 2025 Stakeholder Surveys!

    Boyertown Area School District is conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to develop a five-year strategic plan. This survey is being shared with six stakeholder groups, each with their own specific survey.  Some participants will belong to more than one stakeholder group or have students across multiple buildings.

    1. If you belong to more than one stakeholder group (for example, if you are a teacher and a community member without a student attending one of our schools), please complete BOTH the Teacher Survey and the Community Survey.  In other words, please complete a survey for each stakeholder group to which you belong.

    2. If you have multiple children throughout the district, please complete a Parent Survey for each building.  (for example, if you have a 1st grader at an elementary school and a 10th grader at the senior high, please complete a Parent Survey for EACH building) We need to collect data in this manner, as your experiences and responses may vary based on where your children attend school.

    3. If you are responding to the Teacher or Support Staff Survey and serve multiple schools, please complete a survey for each building.

    4. The deadline for the surveys is Friday, January 31, 2025.

    We are collecting data in four areas: Communication/Climate, Facilities/Resources, Instructional Practices/Support*, and School District Services/Leadership.  Survey results will remain completely anonymous and will be compared/combined with other data to make summative conclusions needed to inform our district's strategic planning process.  

    If you have questions or concerns, please email us at communications@boyertownasd.org or call 610-473-5386.

    Thank you for your consideration in providing feedback, which will help guide Boyertown Area School District's strategic planning process.

    Dr. Scott Davidheiser

    *This section is not included in the Community Survey as this survey is intended for Community Taxpayers WITHOUT students in the district.