Boyertown Area School District is conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to develop a five-year strategic plan. This survey is being shared with six stakeholder groups, each with their own specific survey.
We are collecting data in four areas: Communication/Climate, Facilities/Resources, Instructional Practices/Support, and School District Services/Leadership. Survey results will remain completely anonymous and will be compared/combined with other data to make summative conclusions needed to inform our district's strategic planning process.
The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (“ARP ESSER”) Fund requires that each LEA that receives ARP ESSER funds must develop and make publicly available on the LEA’s website a plan for the LEA’s use of ARP ESSER funds. These requirements are intended to promote accountability, transparency, and the effective use of funds. Below are links to the grant content for each ARP ESSER plan BASD submitted.
All clip art images used throughout this website on or after August 1, 2021, are purchased through The official BASD bear logo is protected under copyright law.