A Message from Ms. Patricia Denicola, CPA:
We realize that our unique and primary mission is to educate the children of the Boyertown Area. In keeping with this mission, we are responsible to the local taxpayers who contribute to meet the revenue needs of the District, so that we may invest wisely in our future, and properly educate the students of the Boyertown Area School District. All financial-related decisions are the responsibility of this position. Budgeting, financial reporting, payroll, purchasing, accounts payable, investments, insurances, debt, and financing operations are critical to the operation of the business side of the school district. While our objective is to run the financial side of the district like a business, we recognize that our goal is to ensure that all students achieve.
To contact Ms. Denicola:Boyertown Area School District Education Center 911 Montgomery Avenue Boyertown, PA 19512 Telephone: (610) 369-7408 Email: pdenicola@boyertownasd.org