Family and Consumer Science
Family and Consumer Science Course Offerings
Senior High Programs The Preschool Program I
The Preschool Program II
The Preschool Program III
Culinary Essentials
Parenting and Child Development
World Cuisine
Basic Nutrition (DE)STANDARDS:- Financial and Resource Management
- Balancing Family, Work and Community Responsibilities
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Child Development
- Effective Management of resources is essential to meet the needs of individuals and families.
- The family as a basic unit provides the foundation for future societal roles and responsibilities.
- Optimal nutrition and wellness contribute to the general well-being of individuals and families across the life span.
- Effective parenting and childcare are integral to the development of the whole child.
- Effective instruction actively engages students in a learning process that promotes higher order thinking.
- Students learn best when objectives are clear, achievable and meaningful to their lives.
- Effective instruction must meet the needs and interests of students through a variety of differentiated strategies.
- Effective instruction is driven by continual assessment, teacher and student reflection and modification to improve student achievement.
- A consistently positive, safe and respectful learning environment is integral for effective instruction.
- Effective instruction builds shared accountability for learning.
- Teachers will develop authentic assessments with clear outcomes.
- Students will engage in learning activities that have real world applications.
- Teachers will provide students with opportunities for meaningful community involvement.
- Assessments will provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their prior knowledge.
- In order to meet the needs of all students, teachers will use a variety of instructional strategies to differentiate their instruction.
COURSE OFFERINGS:The Boyertown Area School District has designed its course offerings to tie to the standards adopted by Pennsylvania's Department of Education. The State's standards serve as the basis for our model of curriculum, instruction and assessment.
"to enable all students to succeed in a changing world"
The Boyertown Area School District’s philosophy is to equip students for our changing world by providing daily exposure to 21st Century skills, knowledge and tools.