• Announcements & Upcoming Events:

    Prom Dresses!



    Mrs. Mazzie and Dr. McArthur are excited to bring you to the Becoming a Mustang Session at Montgomery County Community College.  This event is for any BASH Senior who plans on attending Montgomery County Community College in the Fall of 2025!  Please read below for more details.


    The Becoming a Mustang sessions are designed specifically for students planning to attend Montco in the next school year. During these sessions, students will visit MCCC’s campus to:

    • Receive IT support and complete the New Student Checklist.
    • Connect with student support resources.
    • Tour facilities related to their academic interests.
    • Participate in an Academic Advising Information Session.

    This is a fantastic opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with MCCC’s campus, connect with resources, and meet their future peers. The sessions will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM on April 10th.  We will be transporting you from BASH to MCCC and back.  This will be marked in your attendance as a field trip.


    Please complete this form if you are interested in attending: LINK


    Feel free to reach out to Mrs. Mazzie (cmazzie@boyertownasd.org) or Dr. McArthur (cmcarthur@boyertownasd.org) with any questions.

    Dual Enrollment tuition for Montgomery County Community College and Harrisburg University of Science and Technology are due. Please have your child log into their college account to pay the bill.


    Montgomery County Community College – students  log into Montco Connect  then go to - Self-Service > Student Payment Center

    Harrisburg University of Science and Technology-students should check their HU email for instructions on how to pay


    If you need assistance with paying MCCC tuition, please contact: dualenrollment@mc3.edu


    If you need assistance with paying Harrisburg U  tuition, please contact: dualenrollment@harrisburgu.edu


    Berks Career & Technology Center (BCTC) is offering an OPEN HOUSE at BOTH campuses in February.


    The East Campus open house will take place on February 5th from 5:00pm-8:00pm.  The West campus open house will take place on February 11th from 5:00pm-8:00pm.


    This is your opportunity to explore the immersive educational opportunities offered at BCTC. Embark on a campus tour to witness their cutting-edge labs, engage with experienced instructors who bring real-world insights, and connect with current students in a warm and inviting atmosphere.  Click on this link for more information about the open houses and the programs offered at BCTC.

    Please also note that IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO APPLY.  Applications submitted after our first-round deadline will be entered into second round.  However, you can still apply for the 25-26 school year!!  The directions to apply to BCTC can be found on the high school website under Resources- School Counseling- BCTC or you can click here: BCTC Application.