• Dual Enrollment tuition for Montgomery County Community College and Harrisburg University of Science and Technology are due. Please have your child log into their college account to pay the bill.


    Montgomery County Community College – students  log into Montco Connect  then go to - Self-Service > Student Payment Center

    Harrisburg University of Science and Technology-students should check their HU email for instructions on how to pay


    If you need assistance with paying MCCC tuition, please contact: dualenrollment@mc3.edu


    If you need assistance with paying Harrisburg U  tuition, please contact: dualenrollment@harrisburgu.edu

    BASH Dual Enrollment Course Offerings

    Seniors- Dual Enrollment Information

    Please read if you are enrolled or ever were enrolled in a Dual Enrollment course.


    If you have applied to a post-secondary school (college, trade-school), they may be requesting your official transcript from your Dual Enrollment course(s). BASH does not provide college transcripts. You will need to request the transcript from the college (MCCC or HU). Please CLICK HERE to view all the Dual Enrollment courses offered here at BASH, credits earned through the college and the name of the college issuing the credits (MCCC or HU).

    Example: DE Spanish III is through Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) earning 6 credits in SPA 101 & SPA 102.

    Please see below for the information on how to request an official transcript from either MCCC or HU:

    • For Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) transcript
      • To request an official transcript from MCCC, please click on this link.
      • There is a $5.00 transcript fee when sending electronically.
      • MCCC uses the National Student Clearinghouse Transcript Services. When you click on the link above, it will take you to the website to order transcripts. You will then follow the instructions on their website. At the very bottom of the page is “Order Transcripts” which will take you to the actual Ordering Center.
    • For Harrisburg University of Science and Technology (HU) transcript
      • To request an official transcript from HU, please click on this link.
      • Harrisburg University uses the National Student Clearinghouse Transcript Services. When you click on the link above, it will take you to the website to order transcripts. You will then follow the instructions on their website.
     DE Harrisburg

    Dual Enrollment courses allow students to experience postsecondary coursework and its increased academic rigor, while still in the supportive environment of their local high school. These classes are taught in our building, by BASH teachers who have been approved as adjunct professors by the participating colleges. The intent of taking Dual Enrollment courses while in high school is to increase the number of students that go on to postsecondary education and to decrease the need for remedial coursework at postsecondary institutions.
    Dual Enrollment grades taken at BASH will be reflected on the BASH transcript as well as the college transcript. When students are applying to colleges, it is suggested that they sent the college transcript as well as the BASH transcript to the post-secondary schools they are applying to. Potential Dual Enrollment courses will be identified in the Course Descriptions section of the BASH program of studies.
    BASH currently offers Dual Enrollment courses through Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) and Harrisburg University of Science and Technology (HU). All Dual Enrollment courses are taught at BASH by MCCC/HU adjunct certified BASH teachers or MCCC/HU approved adjunct instructors.
    MCCC Dual Enrollment credits are transferable to any Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education university (e.g. Kutztown, West Chester, Millersville, Lock Haven, etc.) and many private universities at the discretion of the receiving institution. HU Dual Enrollment credits are transferable to many private universities at the discretion of the receiving institution.
    Transferability of Dual Enrollment credits to post-secondary institutions vary, so students are encouraged to speak to admission representatives of their intended college(s) of interest about their acceptance of Dual Enrollment credits.

    For more information regarding Harrisburg University of Science & Technology’s Dual Enrollment Program go to: https://dualenrollment.harrisburgu.edu/

    For more information regarding Montgomery County Community College’s Dual Enrollment Program go to: 
    To complete the Montgomery County Community College -Dual Enrollment in the High School Application go to: Create Your MCCC Account
    Any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact:  

    Ms. Sandra Gallagher, School Counselor/Dual Enrollment Coordinator