Career Portfolio Background

  • The Career Portfolio is the graduation requirement for the students at Boyertown Area Senior High. Students will utilize SmartFutures, a web-based program designed to provide meaningful career oriented experiences throughout participation in this Career Portfolio graduation requirement. The portfolio process will provide every student maximum opportunities to research careers and come to an educated, informed decision as to what next steps need to be taken to ensure success beyond high school. In order to assist in the process, high school staff members will be assigned to groups of students as portfolio advisors. Your son/daughter’s homeroom teacher will also serve as his/her Career Portfolio Graduation Project advisor. The advisor will meet with the students throughout the year to assess progress toward completion of yearly goals.

    Students will have a grade placed on his/her report card and transcript indicating progress attained on the Career Portfolio Graduation Project requirement. At the conclusion of each quarter and school year, homeroom teachers/advisors will be required to enter either a “P” (Pass) or an “F” (Fail) for each of the students on their respective homeroom rosters based on the completion of the requirements for that particular quarter or school year. The “P” or the “F” will be the result of properly maintaining the records of each of the students assigned to them as the homeroom teacher/advisor through the notebooks turned into the School Counseling Office.

    A student with the expected completed requirements for each of the four years at BASH (9-10-11-12) will receive the “P” rating for that particular quarter/year. A student NOT completing the expected requirements for each of the four years at BASH (9-10-11-12) will receive the “F” rating for that particular quarter/year. Students receiving an “F” for either a quarter or year will not have access to BASH privileges until the subsequent quarter/year report indicates a “P” for passing.






    Michelle Bright
    Career Counseling Assistant
    (610) 369-7435

    Crystal McArthur
    School Counselor