• Microsoft Home Use Program

    You are now eligible to participate in Microsoft's Software Assurance Home Use Program (HUP). This program enables you to get a licensed copy of most Microsoft® Office desktop PC applications to install and use on your home computer.

    Under the Home Use Program, you and our other employees who are users of qualifying applications at work (e.g. Office Enterprise) may acquire a licensed copy of the corresponding Home Use Program software (e.g. Office Enterprise) to install and use on a home computer. You may continue using HUP software while you are under our employment and as long as the corresponding software you use at work has active Software Assurance coverage.

    Please note that some product and language versions may not be available at the time you place an order. For up-to-date information on the availability of Home Use Program software, please visit http://microsoft.com/licensing.

    To access the Microsoft Home Use Program Web site:

    1. Go to http://hup.microsoft.com/
    2. Select the country to which you want your order to be shipped to.
    3. Enter your BASD e-mail address. (this must be an active BASD email address)
    4. Place your order online, and it will be shipped to the location you have chosen. 

    We trust you will enjoy this benefit and look forward to your participation.