The school district has established a medication policy to allow a student to take (or be given) medication at school, on field trips or at extra-curricular activities. For the purpose of BASD policy 210, "medication" shall include all prescription, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, alternative medicines, or any other substance used for medicinal purposes. Medications are defined as:
- Any prescribed medication
- Inhalers
- Epi-pens ®
- All over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
- At the elementary level, throat lozenges/cough drops present a potential choking hazard and a disruption to the instructional program therefore throat lozenges/cough drops will not be administered to students in K – 6 or permitted for self-administration. Chloraseptic spray, salt water gargle, or fluids will be available to students as an alternative treatment for symptoms related to sore throat or cough.
The BASD medication policy 210 can be referenced at: Policy 5142 - Administration of Medication.pdf
- Complete a "Authorization for School Medication Administration", which needs to be signed by the parent/guardian and the prescribing physician. (Forms are found in all health rooms and/or can be downloaded by clicking this Authorization for School Medication Administration link).
- All medication shall be hand delivered by the parent/guardian or designated adult.
- All medication, whether over-the-counter or prescription, must be in its original container and labeled with the child’s name, drug name, dosage, and time to be given in school. (Please note: Upon request, most pharmacists will provide two labeled containers for a prescription so that the medication can be brought to school in the properly labeled container.) Medications CANNOT be expired.
- The medication will be kept in a secured, locked place in the nurse’s office or vault located in the main office.
- It is the responsibility of the student to come to the nurse’s office at the time designated for administration of the medication.
- Each time the parent/guardian/adult brings prescribed medications that is a controlled substance, to school, the number of tablets will be counted and documented in the health suite by both parent and school nurse.
- Whenever there is a change in the medication directives, a parent/guardian or adult designee must notify the nurse in writing and include an update physicians note.
- At the end of the school year, a parent/guardian or adult designee must pick up any medication left in the health suite. Any unclaimed medication in the health suite will be destroyed.
- PLEASE NOTE: Medication authorization forms are active for the current school year only. A new medication authorization form must be completed yearly for ALL medication administered in school or on field trips.
All of the above procedures must be followed; if any of the criteria is not met, the school nurse will not be able to administer the medication at school.
Standing Order Medications
The school district has authorization to administration the following medications to students in grades k-5(elementary). These medications include:
- Chloraseptic throat spray
- Benadryl (for unknown allergic reactions only)
- Bacitracin
- Epi-pen (parent may opt-out see directions below)
The school district has authorizion to administration the following medications to students in grades 6-12(middle school and high school). These medications include:
- Acetaminophen (generic Tylenol ®)
- Aleve®
- Antacid
- Bacitracin
- Benadryl (for unknown allergic reactions only)
- Bismuth Subsalicylate (Peptobismol or Kaopectate)
- Chloraseptic throat spray
- Epi-pen (parent may opt out see directions below)
- Ibuprofen (generic Advil ®)
- Naproxen
- Visine
In order for the school nurse to administer any of these medications, a parent/guardian must give consent by checking the appropriate box on the Student Emergency Contact Form that is found on-line.
*"The PA Public School Code, Section 1414.2 (g), allows parents/guardians to request an exemption to the administration of an epinephrine auto-injector for their student. In order to request this exemption, parents/guardians must contact the school nurse to make an appointment to discuss this decision, review and sign the opt-out form."
Guidelines for Students Using Inhalers and Epi-Pens
In compliance with the PA Health Bill 1113, ALL students in the elementary and secondary level, may carry and use his/her prescribed inhaler or Epi-Pen during the school day.
- " The Authorization for School Medication Administration " form must be completed and kept on file in the nurse's office (elementary and secondary students).
- The health care provider and parent must agree that the child is able and responsible to carry and self-administer his/her inhaler and/or epi-Pen during school activities and initial the appropriate space on the Authorization for School Medciation Administration form. At the elementary level, the student must be able to demonstrate to the school nurse the proper technique for inhaler and epi-pen administration prior to being allowed to carry his/her inhaler/epi-pen.
- An asthma and/or allergy emergency action plan needs to be completed and filed in the health suite.
- If a student uses his/her inhaler or epi-Pen during the school day, it is necessary that he/she notify the nurse as soon as possible.
- The nurse will assess the health status of the student, document the use of the medication and arrange for further medical attention as needed.
- The student's name must be on the inhaler or epi-Pen.
Guidelines for Students Taking Medication on Field Trips
Medication taken by a student during a field trip or an extra-curricular activity will only be permitted when:
- Failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student
- The student would not be able to participate in the field trip or extra-curricular activity if the medication were not made available.
Field Trip Forms
If your child requires medication on a field trip, please check the appropriate box on the field trip permission slip given to your child by the teacher. The completed field trip permission form requires:
- a parent signature
- emergency contacts
- medical concerns
- a list of medications that are necessary during the length of the trip
- medication authorization form must be on file in the health room
If your child needs a particular medication that is NOT included on the list of standing orders or one that is NOT already on file in the health suite, then a medication authorization form MUST be completed and submitted prior to the field trip (see above procedure for completing medication authorization form). The medication must be hand delivered to school by the parent/guardian in the original container. In the case of extra-curricular activities, the parent/guardian is required to make delivery arrangements with the person in charge prior to the activity.
In certain situations for field trips or extra-curricular activities, the student may self-administer his/her medication. (This pertains to all medications at the secondary level and Inhalers and Epi-Pens at the elementary level). The student should carry the exact dose of the medication in the original container. A copy of the medication authorization form, will be completed and kept in the health suite. The physician and parent will indicate on the "Authorization for School Medication Administration", that the student is responsible and able to self-administer.