Work Study Program
The Boyertown Senior High School Special Education Department’s Work/Career Study Program is designed to help eligible students explore a career or job interest in a hands-on manner. Through employment or a career experience, students are provided with the opportunity to make a more informed decision about their future plans. The program utilizes supervision by both Boyertown Senior High School Staff and a community sponsor/employer. Students receive credit towards graduation. The amount of credit corresponds to the number of periods of Work/Career Study time. Students in the Special Education Department who choose Work/Career Study as a course will be placed under the supervision of the Special Education Work/Career Staff.
Program Goals:
Students will utilize the knowledge and skills they have gained through work/career related situations
Students will become involved in and better understand the working community
Students will be provided with practical work/career related experiences
Students will develop a sense of responsibility related to their job or career placement
Students will be better able to contribute to their transition plans as they prepare for adulthood
Participation in the Work/Study program is for students maintaining a C average or above. It may fulfill 1 or 2 elective credits. Paid students are provided transportation to the work-site with the parents responsible for the transportation home at the end of the day. The student and family must locate the job (within a 10 radius of the high school). We then support and monitor the student in developing appropriate work skills. Employers evaluate the student and confer with the Work/Study Coordinator to develop training plans as needed.
Some students have non-paid Community-Based Work Experinces under the direct supervision of the Work/Study Coordinator. This option assists students in developing their employability skills and to gain a deeper understanding of real life expectations.