
  • Planning for Transition from school to adult living begins when your child turns 14, or earlier if the IEP team thinks early planning would be appropriate.  The IEP team, including you and your child, will discuss your student’s goals for life after High School.  These plans will include the kind of education and training your son/daughter may need, the kind of job he/she might have, consideration for independent living and opportunities to participate in both school and community activities. Transition planning is an integral part of secondary education as students move into the adult world. They are given opportunities to explore, research and practice skills with support from our secondary faculty.


    Some students will participate in mentoring opportunities in local businesses or colleges. The Berks County Transition Coordinating Council (BCTCC) has an Employability Expo and a Transition Agency Expo and our students are informed of these events in addition to others within the nearby community. We have a Transition Night at BASH in the spring of each year so that families may access transition information in their own community. We partner with the Berks Career Technology Center in providing specific skill training for those students who have the aptitude and behavioral skill to benefit from such training.


    For more detailed information on Transition, check these websites: