Life Skills Support (LSS)
The Life Skills Support Program is designed to support students with a disability who require services primarily in the areas of academic, functional, vocational skills and community-based instruction necessary for independent living.
The Boyertown Area School District has Life Skills Support classes at the elementary, junior high and high school levels. Students at all levels receive instruction in academics and functional or vocational skills and community-based instruction based on their individual needs. Academic programs used are evidenced-based and provide direct, explicit and systemic instruction to students. Programs used are supported by the Berks County Intermediate Unit. Functional and daily living skills instruction is provided to teach students skills, such as self-care, self-determination and health and safety compulsory for independent living. Community-based instruction is important and effective for teaching students to transfer functional and independent living skills learned in a school setting; skills which are critical for students to function as productive adults. Students receive pre-vocational or vocational skills, such as sorting by shape, color and size, identifying personal interests and accurately completing a job application.
The Life Skills Support Program receives supports from speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, hearing specialists, vision specialists and behavior support based on students’ individual needs.
The Boyertown Area School District’s Life Skills Support Program is comprised of academic, functional, vocational and community-based education paired with related services making our school settings an enriching and positive environment.